Member Scores (Archive)
Session 3: Borderline Poker Championship

These were the final scores for the third session of the Tennessee Poker Tour.

Check out the current scores here.

Rank Member Number Name (Games Played) Avg 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
1112Shane McNew (14)7352511
21271Matt Windom (8)73122111
3113Lisa White (27)7173514421
4502Lee Lamirand (28)71563262121
5926Charlie Bennett (15)712333121
6991J.D. Merritt (8)7121131
7992Heather Merritt (23)71732326
8117Kevin Anderson (8)70122111
9101Ty Henry (30)692856212112
10324Alton Satterfield (15)692233212
11347Keith Leeper (10)69411211
12374Scott Townsend (9)68111321
13203Floyd Weddle (29)6764313525
14136Bob Hooyboer (49)668864645521
15155Tim Smith (8)66111221
16180Chris Healey (18)6622532211
17199Steve 'Yoda' Chappell (29)66335545211
18555Cliff Canter (18)66332321121
19573Bo Smith (18)66323321211
20103Roy Little (48)658954535234
21405Jason Frederickson (23)6515523313
22825Ben Bellamy (10)6541122
23143Jackie Hupchick (24)64162351312
24184Chris Light (9)64114111
25195Marshall Wykoff (12)6431121112
26208Chip Smith (27)6462252334
27472Tom Hall (11)641213112
28535Hank Middleton (18)6414312322
29683Emmeline Powers (20)6423441222
30751Jim Smith (24)6453324223
31954Todd Tipton (14)641411322
32116Amy Booher (18)63511222131
33118Kim Moore (22)634445113
34130Chris Alley (23)63135252311
35160Jim Thompson (21)6333214323
36308Don Sprinkle (13)632242111
37424Brandon Hess (20)631437311
38459Ed Jones (9)633111111
39499Herbert Renshaw (40)635484444151
40706Ron Shaw (114)6312161917146510510
41882April Olinger (17)631443131
421225Marcia Thorton (14)6312213131
43145Nancy Spriggs (32)623361556111
44150Barry Hampton (8)6212221
45191Dave Robinson (18)6215232113
46421Brett Bunch (16)62223212112
47485Ken Stacy (17)6232115122
481101Daniel Taylor (41)6251012563513
49152JB Madison (32)613337532222
50226Janet Atwell (11)61331121
51302Dan Hurt (20)61431211152
52428Bo Milhorn (14)6131331111
53478Jim Fultineer (27)612362332321
54603Bill Talley (10)6112111211
55987Blake Smith (21)6122163241
56105Chris Knaff (38)60345364931
57169Adam Gustaitis (17)6013313213
58170Charles Roberts (13)602213212
59202Tim Crigger (9)601122111
60259Steven Edwards (28)606141154213
61323Candice Satterfield (16)603131431
62527Donna Hooyboer (58)602512102126423
63701Jake Ewing (27)60414424233
64703Harold Ewing (34)60823354423
65717Daniel Mansson (29)60435242126
66865Troy Houser (24)602521521231
671237Michael Allison (28)604225423213
68102Bree Henry (66)59671341061667
69120Eric Karlsson (17)5942212213
70141David 'Possum' Clark (12)5912211212
71188Jimmy Meade (20)5953121251
72310Jeff Bolling (15)59122311212
73606Marvin Price (37)59582573331
74702Shirley Ewing (35)595431822622
751005Mike Partain (24)59246121116
761264Sherri Simmons (11)591311131
77151Sean Gibney (30)589113122434
78158Jeff Mchugh (12)5821342
79186Peter Laura (13)5811211241
80331Rick Minnick (58)5810356956266
81574Angie Smith (29)585322243341
82580Howard Dowell (13)583231121
831251Steven Purdy (25)58442222153
84126David Jun (33)57652234623
85142Chuck Hupchick (22)573132421123
86156Mike Herbert (10)572112112
87172Major Bordeaux (84)571269910938810
88174Mary Kublawi (27)571156323321
89204Bill Elliott (8)57112211
90441Josh Littleton (11)57232112
91687Andrew Houser (9)57122112
92868Mike Bivens (13)57211122112
931286Tim Fisher (19)57222322231
941432John W. Macon (9)57121221
95100James Ovington (53)569645424577
96111Zack James (34)562534614324
97680William Mumpower (35)566316223534
98132Paul Dunn (36)55556141617
99133Brad Fluke (18)55311123322
100139James Hook (13)5512111232
101167Drew Cave (34)553452173135
102452Amanda Healey (13)5521114211
103576Mike Miskus (11)55121232
104775Michael Blakely (16)55123321211
105851James Peters (36)553424555143
106119Michael Lathrop (31)542164251523
107196Michael D. Wright (42)542646435255
108322Kevin Trivett (30)542226351324
109584Larry Bean (17)541124112131
110883Danny Bridgeman (23)5431325243
1111100Paul Sparks (9)5421231
1121433Michael Simmons (17)5441121242
113173Dan Kublawi (36)53263163834
114301Caroline Hurt (20)53224212322
115592Mike Eads (15)533123213
116867Sandy Odum (11)53142211
1172003Dan Dwyer (10)531211113
118114Anthony Crawford (12)523111411
119131Frank Nunn (23)52245121224
120650Brandon Shaw (76)52889646741311
1211102Ben Smittey (14)5212112511
122153Angela Smith (20)513112123241
123547David Mullins (23)51213632132
124912Kenneth Ingram (22)514111213432
125967Max Messina (10)51212221
126545Wes Renshaw (20)50221511332
127752Jane Smith (24)501213343142
128801Cody Shortt (8)50121112
129138Lynn Armstrong (17)4931224122
130179Laura Grant (12)4912114111
131194Jennie Barron (12)491132221
132201Sherry Renee Martin (15)49211112142
1331207André Bordeaux (15)4912213222
134591Joyce Eads (13)481111111321
1351246Steven Greer (8)48211112
1361247Harry Greer (8)48113111
137187Richard Pettit (16)4712251311
138193Doug Barron (19)4723321323
139210Tony Linkous (9)472121111
1401458Phil Bryan (8)46112112
141338Andy Price (20)45321111254
142390Larry Miller (11)4511112212
143681Neil Powers (18)45211232241
144866Eddy Abdel (64)45453255131089
1451035Jessica Hall (24)45141232164
146110James Stinnette (17)441222253
147622Howard Bartholomay (14)4411111252
1481226Zhan Lin Chen (13)4412111133
149439Hollie Hill (15)4311143221
150140Donna VonClausburg (13)421113232
151470Bryan Morton (9)42111123
152917John Casey (32)422312151017
153953Angie Tipton (13)4212112123
154495Gene Bordeau (15)333156
155446Darlene Ponzio (8)31242
156399Zana Armstrong (10)1919
NR115Annette Estes (2)2311
NR121Derrick Nave (5)692111
NR122Chase B. Hutton (3)42111
NR127John Qualls (3)5821
NR128Mary Qualls (3)2012
NR135Derick McCrackin (3)7021
NR144Eric Miller (5)66113
NR146Greg Guffey (1)501
NR159Allen Clyburn (5)781211
NR161Steve Smith (7)81331
NR168Steve Roberts (5)511121
NR177Missy Clouse (2)3811
NR181Kevin Falkner (7)591231
NR182Mike Falkner (2)4311
NR183Paco Asis (6)4011211
NR197Adam Armstrong (5)74212
NR200Vernon Kimball (2)7011
NR205Nina Nabors (7)6112121
NR207Don Maness (5)4611111
NR211Stacy Daugherty (4)611111
NR213Keith Ratliff (1)601
NR228Gay Miller (6)52111111
NR230Butch Byrns (3)27111
NR238Bryan Scyphers (3)70111
NR244Nancy Glass (6)29123
NR245Angel Gibson (6)481221
NR254Ryan Love (6)58111111
NR300Todd Hamblin (7)71331
NR309Nate Smith (6)6321111
NR315Robin Bolton (6)58312
NR316Jeffery Forslin (3)62111
NR319John Jative (3)55111
NR337Karen Johnson (5)611121
NR341Jerri Beeson (2)6511
NR342Steve Fittro (7)5711212
NR347Stephen Kazakon (1)901
NR349Mike Phy (1)301
NR355Glenn Billingsley (3)35111
NR363Ted Nichols (1)701
NR366Justin Watts (1)151
NR369Tami Harrison (1)901
NR382Sid Winters (2)4311
NR387David Young (2)3311
NR388Mark King (2)2811
NR389Jamie Somerville (3)80111
NR401Justin Harris (1)901
NR406Travis Mullins (2)6011
NR409Steve Cloyd (4)4822
NR415Eric Bailey (1)801
NR417Jennifer Nave (2)4011
NR419Metta Fluke (1)801
NR422John Hale (3)3221
NR432Richard Gilbert (1)701
NR433David Topshee (3)3721
NR434Tommy Tanaka (5)6211111
NR435Richard Peters (2)4511
NR436Brad Puckett (4)511111
NR466Randy Szulewski (1)901
NR486Andrew McGrady (5)5011111
NR504Keith Jones (5)5011111
NR505Don Tester (3)42111
NR514Barbi Charlton (1)151
NR520Danny White (4)511111
NR522Julie Morrell (4)75121
NR542Brian Bailey (3)63111
NR546Jerry Eads (5)30122
NR553Derek Armes (1)301
NR566Jeremy Branham (7)402131
NR578Kevin Price (6)6211112
NR596Marcus Adkins (1)1001
NR609Skyy Trammell (1)501
NR614Paul Williams (2)2311
NR616Duane Moore (3)7312
NR619Tammie Ewing (6)54111111
NR620Ed Marsh (7)4511311
NR624Chris Hawthorne (3)4312
NR684Benjamin Blessing (4)25112
NR685Matt Walton (3)6012
NR700Derek Williams (1)501
NR715Fred Taylor (6)5911211
NR720Heather Meade (2)2811
NR724Jason Light (1)801
NR731Greg Gilbran (1)301
NR735Rusty Killebrew (6)5111121
NR736Matt Shaffer (7)6212211
NR737Sandy Deload (1)151
NR738Kent Davis (4)63211
NR739Joshua Mullis (1)801
NR740Landon Rauser (3)7021
NR741Mitch Reed (3)303
NR742T Kup (1)151
NR804Gene Compton (1)801
NR826Ryan Russum (7)4931111
NR836Justin Peters (3)67111
NR837Tony Losh (2)8011
NR838Randy Woods (5)5111111
NR839Bill McCamy (1)151
NR843Rex Sproles (7)71112111
NR845Jack Miller (6)67111111
NR846Steve Pentecost (4)361111
NR847Brandon Bullington (2)152
NR848Frieda Miller (3)3312
NR849Tom Lewis (1)601
NR850Joe Baker (1)401
NR852Gordon Balthis (7)5421121
NR870Patty Sanders (1)151
NR874Jennifer Knecht (2)6511
NR878Richard Hann (5)70212
NR902Tee Thomas (7)561141
NR911David Harrison (7)341312
NR914Ronnie Scalf (2)4811
NR915Dana Ramsey (2)4511
NR919Amy Carrier (4)731111
NR929Tim Shaffer (2)4311
NR930Scott Lee (5)5711111
NR933Aaron Long (3)77111
NR955Jeremy Campbell (3)4712
NR965James Hale (3)60111
NR966Luke Carrier (2)2311
NR975Vickie Burkett (5)37113
NR976Jonathon Wolfe (5)4711111
NR998Bob Hefly (4)3822
NR1027John Powell (1)501
NR1028Joe Barrett (2)2311
NR1029Daina Tweed (1)401
NR1030Leslie Pritchard (1)301
NR1031Bruce Stevens (1)601
NR1032Damian Tweed (2)152
NR1033Richard Miller (1)401
NR1034Terry Arrington (5)531121
NR1160Mark Tollier (1)301
NR1190Mike Jones (2)4811
NR1192Tony Bousamka (1)701
NR1193David Connole (1)1001
NR1194Lisa Surgener (1)801
NR1196Wes Renshaw (3)32111
NR1208Jon Woods (2)4511
NR1209Vic Nigro (3)3721
NR1210Bill Manns (3)23111
NR1211Mike Bos (3)63111
NR1212Linda Bos (2)402
NR1213David Murry (5)341211
NR1214Steve Bonney (1)901
NR1218Rusty Vance (3)5312
NR1219Reggie Evans (3)2521
NR1220Bo Cowan (2)3311
NR1221Amanda Gallimore (6)49111111
NR1222Greg Tester (2)4311
NR1223Danny Wetzel (2)6011
NR1224Ryan Glenn (1)901
NR1228Jack Jaynes (1)901
NR1229Aaron Schreur (1)901
NR1230Timothy Dugan (2)4511
NR1231Susan Crum (1)151
NR1232JJ Mains (3)35111
NR1233Rod Rose (2)3811
NR1234Jason Wilson (1)301
NR1238Dan Wells (4)541111
NR1239Jason Benton (2)3811
NR1240Tom Leffingwell (2)4511
NR1241Jeff Witt (1)801
NR1242Joe Rosenbalm (1)151
NR1243Andrew Keller (2)4511
NR1244Jim (1)151
NR1245Jason West (4)19121
NR1249Bo Johnson (1)501
NR1252R Hurley (6)561311
NR1253Charles Bridges (2)2811
NR1254Chris Potter (1)151
NR1257Peter Majmuder (3)3712
NR1258Joe Gibson (2)402
NR1259Chandler Moore (1)151
NR1260Justin Bullington (1)401
NR1261Dan Hagen (2)3311
NR1262Jerry Harding (1)501
NR1268Vickie Rabon (2)7511
NR1269Scott Erickson (1)401
NR1270Tim Clevenger (1)151
NR1272Sylvia Savoie (3)52111
NR1273Jae Hwang (2)5011
NR1274Doug Evans (1)701
NR1276Stephen Greer (2)2811
NR1277Andy Wilhoit (2)3311
NR1278Brendan O'Hara (7)251123
NR1279Sadie Herndon (2)6011
NR1283Pat Montgomery (3)48111
NR1284Dax Chanceller (1)1001
NR1285Fraizer (1)151
NR1287Glen Whitt (1)701
NR1288Deborah Battomlee (2)3311
NR1290Keeshia Cox (4)4322
NR1295Danny Hunt (1)901
NR1300Greg Jones (2)4511
NR1301Joe Grizzle (1)701
NR1302Chris Sloce (3)8012
NR1342John Macon (2)2811
NR1360Johnny Bowman (2)2811
NR1400Todd Arrants (3)2012
NR1401Gail Arrants (1)501
NR1402Jeff Huff (1)901
NR1404Denver Crouch (1)401
NR1405David Atwell (3)48111
NR1409Edwin Russell (1)901
NR1431Joe Taylor (3)90111
NR1434Wayne Brooks (6)251122
NR1435Shannon Bradley (1)151
NR1436Amanda Merritt (1)701
NR1436Nathan Tate (3)53111
NR1437Dave Tester (5)5911111
NR1438Matt McHugh (3)87111
NR1439Clyde Hughes (3)20111
NR1440Douglas Henegar (1)301
NR1442Joe Bergman (1)401
NR1448Jimmy Ovington (1)151
NR1449Larry Marter (1)801
NR1450Joy Williams (4)68121
NR1451Rebel (3)32111
NR1452Greg Hurley (1)401
NR1453Brenda Walsh (1)701
NR1481Bob Knigge (5)611211
NR1482Jon Panner (5)4611111
NR1483James Maness (4)69211
NR1484Mike Harless (3)27111
NR1485Magen Thomas (3)7721
NR1492Marcus Adkins (3)7312
NR1494Claire Panner (2)3511
NR1500Rick Yates (3)55111
NR1501Wade Grathwohl (1)901
NR1503Sid Winters (1)901
NR1601Frank Cessna (3)62111
NR1602Cory Collins (2)6511
NR1603Greg Finney (2)152
NR1700Pete Williamson (1)301
NR2004Tim Kiser (1)901
NR2005Imran Sheln (1)1001
NR2006Ron Crejeck (1)151
NR2007Daryl Frvely (1)151
NR2008Jim Thompson (1)801

156 players have completed eight or more games.
394 players have played at least one game this session.
The average score for players who have completed at least eight games is 57

Note: Players are only given a rank number after at least eight games are complete.

Last Update: July 21, 2006 (Session: 3)

    Copyright © 2006 - Tennessee Poker Tour